When it comes to an emergency situation like coping with a natural disaster like the Frankenstorm, Sandy, everybody except Mitt Romney seems to love FEMA and federal government. Am I correct here, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie? The governor had lots of nice things to say this morning about both.
Wondering about how Mitt Romney feels about FEMA and government assistance for natural disasters? Here’s Eugene Robinson‘s column on the governor’s viewpoint just last June.
Finally, want to know why government regulation is important — or rather, why Gov. Romney doesn’t think so? This is the most damning condemnation of a Romney presidency that I’ve yet seen.
How about a little FEMA love?
The place to meet on the Fairfax campus
The George Mason statue is kitty-corner to the Johnson Center and the Mason Pond Parking Deck, where guests can easily park on the first three levels (Fairfax campus map). As soon-to-be emeritus faculty, I'm always happy to meet with friends and my former Mason students on campus.
Alum Kevin McCarthy at work
Film critic and GMU alum Kevin McCarthy encouraged students during his many visits to my GMU classes to pursue internships and "get noticed!" See some of Kevin's terrific interviews on his Nerd Tears website.
The One Thing
So, as Billy Crystal asked Jack Palance in "City Slickers," what's "The One Thing"? To find out, just contact me by email to set up a "Journalism for the Rest of Us" seminar, workshop or program.
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