The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) is meeting in Chicago this week — without me, unfortunately. This “State of the Industry” presentation was prepared for AEJMC by Dr. Jody Brannon, an Online News Association board member and treasurer. AEJMC12 State of the Industry: ONA from Jody Brannon
Archives for August, 2012
Judith Miller leaks again (on leaks)
Ever wonder how government leaks work? Remember Judith Miller, the former New York Times reporter who broke the story about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction? Now she is an expert on Fox New discussing — you guessed it! — the dangers of national security leaks. “The Daily Show” and Jon Stewart had some fun […]
Join the Mars landing celebration
What’s it feel like to land a SUV-sized rover on Mars? Join the NASA celebration (if you can’t stand the drama, speed ahead to about 3:12 or so on the video) from early Monday morning (ET). You can see the first picture from Mars and share in the excitement as NASA’s most advanced Mars rover […]
Still lost in space
Since I’m about to leave for the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center (part of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum located near Dulles Airport) to meet some old friends, Joyce (Gabriel) and Peter Anderson, I thought I’d add one more video honoring space exploration. In honor of the Kennedy Space Center’s 50th anniversary, Google Maps and […]
Dare mighty things
Unless you’re living on the moon, you should be aware that there’s a major space event tonight: the landing of of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Curiosity rover. This video covers the final 7 minutes to landing on the surface of Mars on Aug. 5 at 10:31 p.m. PT (1:31 a.m. Monday Aug. 6) The […]
Latest ‘Skyfall’ trailer
New toys, a new Q, and a new trailer for the upcoming James Bond movie, “Skyfall.” You always know whose side Bond is on, but what is Judi Dench up to as M?
State of the First Amendment report
First Amendment Center President Ken Paulson and Senior Vice President Gene Policinski discuss the 2012 “State of the First Amendment” survey results.
The place to meet on the Fairfax campus
The George Mason statue is kitty-corner to the Johnson Center and the Mason Pond Parking Deck, where guests can easily park on the first three levels (Fairfax campus map). As soon-to-be emeritus faculty, I'm always happy to meet with friends and my former Mason students on campus.
Alum Kevin McCarthy at work
Film critic and GMU alum Kevin McCarthy encouraged students during his many visits to my GMU classes to pursue internships and "get noticed!" See some of Kevin's terrific interviews on his Nerd Tears website.
The One Thing
So, as Billy Crystal asked Jack Palance in "City Slickers," what's "The One Thing"? To find out, just contact me by email to set up a "Journalism for the Rest of Us" seminar, workshop or program.